Tuesday, April 15, 2014

John 7

John 7:1-53 
"The right Time"

  • Jesus is a Jew yet the Jews are seeking to kill Him in Judea.
  • V. 5 "For not even his brothers believed in him"
  • Our time is always here, we should always be sharing about the work of Jesus 
  • V. 7 "The world cannot hate you..."
  • The Jews reject Jesus because He calls them out on sin, He calls sin evil.
  • Jesus repeats that His time has not yet come twice in just nine verse; He was stressing that His time has not yet come
  • V. 13 fear of man kept people from openly speaking about Jesus
  • Jesus is teaching by the one who sent Himm, not himself.
  • Some of the people in Jerusalem question, can this really be the Christ, there are people seeking to kill this man.
  • For a third time John states that Jesus' time had not yet come
  • Jesus is fortelling of His death ascention to the right hand of God. He wil go to a place were you cannot come for me.
  • Jesus references again the living water, just like in chapter four with the Samaritan woman.
  • It become obvious that the people are split on what to believe of this Jesus. Some do believe as He is the the Christ, while others are still unsure.
  • The officiers notice there is no one else like this man, while the hearts of the Pharisees are still hardened. 
Resources Observations:
  • There was a main emphasis of water and light during the Feast of Tabernacles. Could this be why yet again Jesus uses water, living water, as tool in sharing His message?
  • Even Jesus demonstrated obedience in doing the Father's will over going to the feast with His brothers. 
  • "This matter of timing highlights Jesus total control of the situation, even amidst the complete confusion and conflicting claims that await Him in Jerusalem" - John, pg95
  • There is a drastic difference between Jesus and the people. He seeks always to the will of the Father.
  • The leaders deny Jesus as Christ.
  • The people do not like that that Jesus healed on the Sabbath and accuse Him of not keeping the law. However they do not like when Jesus brings forth the fact that they are not keeping the law.

I. Do I let the fear of man prevent me from speaking openly about Jesus Christ? 

II. The people were expecting a King in the traditional sense of the time. Could it be that His denial was so obviously linked to the fact that when He came so much of His work was of the heart? 

III. Verse 12 talks about muttering. Why do we whisper when we grumble, complain, or gossip? Is it because we know what we are doing is wrong? Are we avoiding being caught? why?

IV. Jesus's teachings clearly indicate that with Him everlasting life is possible, but not without Him. What would my response have been to His teaching? 

Applicational Thoughts:
Timing was a huge emphasis of this chapter. Jesus was always waiting for the right timing. God is very diliberate in His planning, does my own impatience get in the way of waiting for the right timing? Also the second coming will be in His timing. The perfect timing.

God's timing is best. 

Read/Mark/Laern, John, St Helen's Bishopsgate
The Message of John, John Stott

Friday, April 11, 2014

John 6

John 6:1-71


  • While there is a chapter break in our Bible for 5 and 6 they flow into one another. 
  • The miracles that Jesus had thus performed were drawing the attention of the people.
  • Jesus' disciples were His closest companions, He desired specific time set aside with them, just as we do with our closest of friends
  • Immediately upon seeing the crowd of people Jesus is concerned with them and their well being. 
  • Jesus feeds thousands of people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.
  • Jesus has performed another miracle. The food more than feed the people, not only feed them but satisfied them. 
  • Knowing what was to come, Jesus desired time set aside to spend in the presence of God the Father
  • Jesus meets them in the midst of rough waters, walking on water. 
  • The people pondered in Jesus' arrival as they knew that only the disciples left in the boat and only one boat arrived to shore.
  • Jesus questions the desires of the hearts. The people sought Him out but why? It would seem based on Jesus' comments that it was to obtain physical food, not spiritual food. While they understood there was something different about Him, they didn't understand fully.
  • Again Jesus meets the people were they are and delivers the gospel in a way they understand. Not changing the gospel or changing the truths of the gospel but meeting the needs of the people where they are. 
  • The people still do not understand. It is all about God. Not Moses or others, but all the work they did in the OT is to reflect towards God or is the working of God through that person. 
  • Verse 44 would seem to elude to predestination "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him"
  • Jesus is the Bread of Life.
  • Jesus knows your heart, he knew the unbelief of those closest to Him that would lead to betrayal. 
  • The disciples turned back, discontinuing to walk with Jesus
  • Judas will betray Jesus, one of His own disciples, one of His chosen ones. 

I. Did He feed 5,000 people or 5,000 men plus the women and children?

II. When I know a trial is coming or a tough is ahead do I first seek specific time with God?

III. Scripture says the disciples started across and that Jesus had not yet come to them. How did they expect Him to come? Did they anticipate Him walking on water? Why did they leave without Him? Did they not know where He had went?

IV. How would I have responded to seeing only one boat and Jesus? Knowing that the disciples are the only ones who left in the boat.

V. Is my faith the faith that sees because I believe or do I need to see to believe?

VI. What implications does it have in Jesus saying He is the bread of life?

VII. Why did Jesus choose Judas if He knew he would not believe? What purpose should be sought out of the involvement of Judas?

Applicational Thoughts
God uses the unbelief of some to bring belief in others. We have seen very clearly that Jesus knows the hearts of all men. We know He chose His own disciples. We also know that Judas will betray Jesus. Obviously the ultimate unbelief of Judas lead to the belief of others as well as the ministry of Jesus. My last question listed (VII) has me pondering more to this and really pondering the use of Judas in Jesus' ministry while on earth.

The Message of John; John Stott
John: St Helen's

John 5

John 5:1-47


  • After this is referring back to chapter four; when Jesus healed the sick boy. 
  • Blind, lame, and paralyzed are called invalids
  • Jesus spoke to an invalid man that was unable to walk. Jesus knew the desires of this man's heart yet He asked anyway, "do you want to be healed?"
  • The Jewish people are very set in their ways of tradition. They do not rejoice in this man's healing but are critical because it is on the Sabbath.
  • Jesus specifically seeks this man out later at the temple. 
  • The Jews thought Jesus to be blasmpheming; as He claimed to be the Son of God. 
  • Jesus is equal to God, yet it is through God that Jesus is able to minister on earth.
  • It is Jesus who is the Judge. God gave that over to Him. 
  • To honor the Son is to honor the Father.
  • Upon the second coming of Christ those that know Him will join Him, those that do not know Him will be separated forever
  • John has been sent to bear witness of Christ
  • Although it is worth rejoicing over John's ministry it is more so to rejoice over Christ and His ministry
  • They read the Word that bears witness of Jesus, yet they do not know Jesus to be the long awaited for Messiah
  • Jesus came by way of the Son in flesh not God the Father.
  • It would seem that if one comes in their own name they would receive them. ie. if God had come as God the Father not as God the Son in flesh they may have believed....
  • Moses wrote of the Messiah, Jesus

I. What are specific ways that God is further glorified by Jesus asking of people opposed to responding based off of what He already know. Example Jesus could have told this man to rise and walk, instead He first asked if would like to be healed, already knowing the desires of this mans heart. How was God further glorified because Jesus asked?

II. What is the specific purpose in seeking this man out later?

III. What would my response have been to Jesus' statement He is the Son of God?

IV. If God has chosen to come to earth Himself to bear witness about Himself would people have been more likely or not to believe than they are with Jesus?

Applicational Thoughts
Jesus not only submitted to God's will but He sought God's will.

It is all God. "If I alone bear witness about myself, my testimony is not true"

One day the Son of God will return!

The Message of John

Thursday, April 10, 2014

John 4

John 4:1-54

  • Jesus did not do the baptizing but the disciples did.
  • Jesus returned to Galilee, where He had turned water into wine
  • Jesus passed through Samaria
  • Jesus is weary or tired. 
  • Jesus meets a woman at the well in Samaria
  • Jesus states give me water.
  • The Samaritan woman is as confused by a Jewish man asking for water as we should be. Being their cultural differences and preferences. Not in relevance to Jesus. 
  • Jesus knew the woman standing before Him, but the woman did not know of the man before her.
  • The woman is confused by Jesus' request for water as He has nothing to draw water with. Reading on you find Jesus using this opportunity to speak of an eternal water, not found in this well.
  • Jesus' comparison of eternal water to the water in the well still leaves the woman complexed. She does not understand.
  • Jesus knows this woman yet He asks her to bring forth her husband. He knows she is a divorced woman of 5 marriages, involved with a man not her husband.
  • The woman realizes something is different, surely He is a prophet. 
  • They discuss the coming savior, Jesus reveals to her He is that Savior.
  • The woman shares with the town who has come.
  • Jesus' physical body still requires the nourishment our do. The disciples were adamant to provide food. 
  • Jesus seems to be talking about the sharing of the Gospel. Reaping what they have not sewn or even for us potently sowing but not reaping. 
  • God used the testimony of a woman known for impurity to share the pure message of Jesus Christ. 
  • Jesus reveals Himself to this woman, as being the Son of Man.
  • Many of the Samaritans believed in Jesus Christ because of the work and ministry He had done. 
  • Based on verse 42 it would seem the people initially believed because of the woman, but have continued in belief because of what they have hear. 
  • Because of His previous works in the town of Galilee a man came to Him in belief of His ability asking for healing of his son.
  • Through the act of renewing this boy's life the family would come to believe. 

I. Are please and thank you phrases that have developed over time? Would that have been the way you spoke to one another; in statements not questions?

II. What must the town think of this woman? She obviously has a reputation. The obviously believed her as verse 30 says "They went out of town and were coming to him". Would I have believed her had I been there? Obviously belief is through the calling of God in our lives, was that what this was, God directly working in these people to believe this woman? Would they have believed her had He not been working in them? Did some go that would not believe? 

III. Why did Jesus chose this specific situation to reveal himself? Why this group of people? 

IV. Would you say seeing is believing or believing is seeing? Today without the physical work of Jesus on earth can we see to believe, or only believe to see? 

V. While they are in different chapter reading straight through chapter three and four you notice two drastically different scenario's. Nicodemus is a man of means and knowledge, the Samaritan is a woman with lack of knowledge and indiscretions. While drastically different both need Jesus. What does that look like in our own lies today? Who represent those people in our lives and how are we responding?

VI. The rabbis would typically teach that three marriages were enough. Why three? Why recognize more than one? Why stop at three? Does this apply to death of spouse as well or only divorce?

VII. When sharing the gospel how do I do it? Do I always speak in these spiritual terms that few understand or do I make it fit the situation. I don't mean change the Gospel but change the presentation of the same true facts to meet the person were they are?

Applicational Thoughts
Careful consideration and listening during conversations will surely open the door to share the gospel in some for, whether it be actions, an illustration, a portion of the Gospel, or the entire Gospel laid out. 

Until we acknowledge our sin, we cannot fully understand what Salvation is.

Christ's humanity lead Him to hunger and tiredness. A fully sovereign God weary and tired. He took on flesh, He understands our battles yet He prevailed without sin.

While actions do speak louder than words, words obviously have an impact.

Jeremiah Study Bible
The Message of John

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

John 3

Click here to read John 3

John 3:1-36

At the end of chapter two we are left with Jesus knows all people. Not only does He know all people He knows what is in all people. A man named Nicodemus confronts Jesus. Nicodeumus realizes that Jesus a teacher, a teacher from God, because of the works that He is doing. However Nicodemus does not fully understand Jesus. When Jesus explains the rebirth of a believer Nicodemus relates it to the rebirth of a man from the womb, questioning what Jesus is saying. What would my response have been if I was Nicodemus?

Nicodemus must have been a teacher as well, as Jesus refers to him as such. Jesus questions the basis of the knowledge of truth with which he teaches. Seeing as he does not understand rebirth, being born again.

Jesus explains that the only way to eternity with God is through the one that descended only to ascended to heaven. He is speaking of himself Jesus.

Jesus was sent as our savior.

Our belief or lack there of, of Jesus will determine our eternal destination.

We can receive anything that has not been gifted to us from heaven, God.

It is Christ that will be emphasised, not myself or my doings.

Jesus came from above, He is above all. Have you believed on the testimony of Jesus Christ? It was through love that God sent His only Son to earth, to take on flesh.

Through belief is eternal life with Christ, unbelief is eternal separation from God. - Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. Yet it is the calling of the Holy Spirit that brings us to belief. So amazing God's design. We can't do it without Him in any regard. First the Holy Spirit will work in us, we shall belief which indicates eternal life with Christ and we continue to rely on Him for everything going forward.

One Application:
I am completely in awe over God. God's love for His people is so abundantly seen in scripture. Specifically in John 3 I am in awe that we have eternal life with Christ through belief but that belief is the outworking of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

John 2

John 2:1-25

I find it interesting that John refers to Mary as the mother of Jesus. It makes Mary seem less personal to the situation, or maybe it was a traditional term of language then?

Every time I read verse four where Jesus says "Woman" it takes me aback. In our time saying responding this way is seen as very derogatory. Was it the same for Jesus' time? Is that how they would have address women of that time with no offense taken? Obviously Jesus is perfect, so His use of Woman was not done in a sinful manner, the manner in which I think. However that verse stands out strongly to me every time I read through.

Jesus' first miracle in John water to wine. Mary knew that there was something very special about Jesus for obvious reasons; she was visited by an angel, Gabriel, to reveal His conception. But didn't she truly understand who Jesus was? Did she fully understand the implications of Jesus? I wonder because if you knew Jesus had come to save the world would have have asked Him to make wine? So that leads to Mary, knowing Jesus is someone very special but not having the revealed truth that Jesus is the Messiah. At first it is easy to be critical of Mary for not knowing, first it is in God's timing that this is revealed and acknowledged by each of us as He chooses us. But second what would we think if we had known Jesus then?

I think back to Exodus and the ten plagues (Exodus 7-12) when the passover was initiated.

Jesus' anger is seen fully displayed, what a beautiful example of what holy anger is. Jesus never sinned yet he was angry how is that? Was is not that the people in the temple where sinning against God, the sin is what drove Jesus' anger. Is my anger ever sinless? Am I ever angry because of righteous things or only of selfish ambition?

Jesus give us the first glimpse in John that He will die a physical death but be raised within three days. The Jews do not understand, they thought He was talking about the physical temple in front of them.

Jesus knows all people. He knows us. That is exciting and fear inspiring all the same. Who am I that Jesus knows me and wants to know me. But Jesus knows my sin.

Application Point:
The application of these verse that impacted me the most is Jesus' sinless anger. Anger is something that I struggle with, how can I change and grow to only know a sinless anger not a selfish anger.

Monday, April 7, 2014

John 1

John 1:1-51

The Word. Who is the Word that John is speaking of? Jesus. So if Jesus is the Word we know Jesus was the beginning, Jesus is with God, Jesus is the Word of God. Jesus has always been with God. Jesus is the author of creation.

Jesus is a light that shines in the darkness. What does it mean to shine in the darkness? How do we classify darkness?

Jesus this light to the world, did not know Him. Odd that as Jesus is considered light, something most of us are able to acknowledge, the world did not know Him as light. 

Verse 12 God gives us the light, salvation, it is all about Him, not us. 

The Word, Jesus, became flesh. So from the start we realize that Jesus is a heavenly being that is with God a heavenly being. Jesus left the status of heavenly being and took on flesh. What love that is! 

Jesus becoming flesh is only a glimpse of the grace that Jesus shows His children. What is it to be a child of God?

There is something special about John the Baptist. The people see this and marvel at who this man could be. John the Baptist realizes who the light is, that Jesus has come. John acknowledges that prophecy has been fulfilled. It was through God's grace that John could know and realize this. John was sharing the important truths of Christ, baptizing the people by water, using this outlet of ministry to reveal Christ to Israel. 

John baptizing Jesus.... Just let the impact and weight of that statement set in. Our SAVIOR was baptized. 

There are three important thruths that I always ask my foundations class to remember when studying this lesson. When Jesus was baptized 1. The heaven's opened up. 2. The Holy Spirit Descended. 3. God Spoke - however God speaking is not illustrated in the book of John. Have you ever seen the heaven's opened? What would that look like? The Holy Spirit is now actively working on earth.... Do we understand how the Holy Spirit works? Can we see the Holy Spirit at work in the lives around us? How is the Holy Spirit working in your life?

John acknowledges Jesus from the start in John that Jesus is the Lamb of God. 

Jesus call's His first disciples. Do you know anything about the disciples? I know that the one's that Jesus chose where the men that were seen as the most unlikely of men to be sharer's of the Word. Jesus chose the unlikely, the rejected to serve along with Him. They were chosen for the front line of Ministry.... WITH OUR SAVIOR! Our God is Great! 

First disciple to respond is Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, second is Simon Peter. 

Philip is chosen the third discple. All Jesus says to him is follow me. Am I wiling to drop everything right now to follow Jesus? If in some manner Jesus said to me right now, drop everything, move to a tribial country and follow me could I do that? 

When God repeats something I it seems that it is an important to truth to remember. "Truly, truly I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man" What importance does this verse hold? Where do we see further explaniation or eveidence of this verse. 

One Applicational Point: 
The most prominent or weighiest question for me from the text would be; How strong is my faith? Am I willing to drop everything at any point and follow Jesus to where ever? If yes, where is God taking me right now? How am I getting there? How is He working? If no, what do I need to do to change that? How can I ask for God's grace and assitance in my life to change that? Is God calling me and I am saying no?

Disclaimer: These are the thoughts and questions that come to mind as I read. I try to think only of the text at hand, then compare and think through what I do know of the Bible. Feel free to comment. 

A New Adventure

As a way to help stay accountable to my Bible reading I have decided to blog. A friend and I a few weeks ago decided to start doing a Bible study together, a way to encourage each other and keep each other accountable. I am excited to share what I am learning and the new connections I am making. We are in the book of John reading one chapter everyother day; if you want to join alone with us.